Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Aikido Thoughts: What does your kiai say about you?

Kototama: spirit sounds
Kototama (also kotodama) is a system of cosmology and mysticism. It has to do with describing the universe through the vibrations of sound; there are mystical powers in words and names. Remember your childhood stories, where if a person successfully guesses or use someone's true/real name, they have some kind of power over that person? Think of the fairy tale

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Lambert Park

Lambert Park(biking info)This is at the end of our ride...So today Amjith and I did some more exploring. We found a nice rock jump on the Ziggy trail. This was more challenging than yesterday's jumps!

Here is Amjith biking down the first stretch of Ruin.(Watch the red blur...)

I apologize for the poor quality, these videos were taken on my iPhone.For those who are thinking about trying

Friday, 10 September 2010

Adventure + experimenting = fun with a sense of accomplishment

Imagine yourself at a beautiful water park on a hill, surrounded by mountains everywhere you turn.You grab your water tube and jump onto the first water slide at the entrance. This is going to be awesome! You get to the bottom of the first slide on an exhilaration high, but you quickly realize that the water park has been designed in such a manner that you can not tell where you were supposed to

Monday, 6 September 2010

Deer Creek South Fork Trail

A biking picture story.

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Deer Creek South Fork Loop in American Fork Canyon, UT.